Время "Free" ----- cat /etc/system.cfg ----- # [System] ROUTER=dialup # 0.dialup/leased/ethernet/bridge HOSTNAME=kuzya #711. Router name DOMAIN=freenet #712. (Local) domain name ENAMSQ=y # 11. Enable NAT and firewall ENABRG=n # 12. Enable bridging mode? DONT TOUCH!!! BIGMEM=y # 13.If 16+MB RAM start ppp bsd compression SAVERS=0,0 # 14. Savers - screen (min), hdd (x5 sec) 0 -off SWPSIZE=16 # 15. Swap size in Kb on boot device. 0 - off LOGSIZE=150000,10000 # 16. System_log, logins_log sizes (bytes) DEFISP=noname # 6. Default dialup ISP # [Services] # y - worldwide/s - local/n - disable ENADNS=s #411. Enable caching DNS server LOGDNS=n #412. Enable debug info ENADHCP=s #421. Enable DHCP server WINSADDR= #422. WINS address (for DHCP server) LIZTIME=604800,604800 #423. default-lease-time, max-lease-time ENAWWW=s #431. Enable Public HTTP Server WWWPORT=80 #432. on port ENAWWA=s #441. Enable Time Server and control via HTTP WWAPORT=82 #442. on port TIMADDR= #443.Host timeserver address, empty - disable TIMZONE=+0100 #444. Offset to UTC (-1200 - +1200) ENALPD=n #451. Enable Print Server LPPORT1=515 #452. on port LPDEVI=lp1 #453. on output device LPPORT2=516 #454. Second lp server on port, empty - disable LPDEV2=lp2 #455. on output device ENATEL=s # 46. Enable telnet server # [Security] TRUSTLN=p #211.Trust local nets y/n/p{artual} TRUSTMD=n #212.Modem links have access to local networks RINGS=2,7 #220.Rings before answer at login, nologin time MonTIM="" #221. Nologin times for modem users TueTIM="" #222 WedTIM="" #223 ThuTIM="" #224 FriTIM="" #225 SatTIM="" #226 SunTIM="" #227 # [Modems] MODEM0=cua1 # 51.1st modem MSPEED0=115200 # 52. port's speed MINIT0="ATZ" # 53. init string MTU0= #541. Maximum Transmit Unit MRU0= #542. Maximum Receive Unit MADDR0= # 55. ppp link remote addr (for dialin purpose) # [Networks] USEDHCP0=n #720.Use DHCP client to config this interface INTNAME0=eth0 #721.Interface name (eth0|arc0e|arc0) DHCPLOG=y #722. Enable DHCP client messages in the log DHCPDNS=y #723 Enable auto configuration of DNS via DHCP IPADDR0= #724.IP adress of this interface NETMASK0= #725. Network mask NETWORK0= # Network address BRDCAST0= # Broadcast address #726.IP pool, empty disables DHCP on this interface IPRANGE0="" ********